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This information refers to the sites that provide the MOOC - Massive Open Online Course online courses of the Edvance project (Digital Education Hub for Advanced Digital Culture - Next Generation EU as part of the PNRR call, Mission 4, Component 1, Investment 3.4 "Teaching and university skills") of the following partners: Politecnico di Milano, Humanitas University, Bocconi University, University of Brescia, University of Macerata, University of Messina, Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, Conservatory of Cagliari, Fondazione Scuole Civiche di Milano; Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Turin, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, University of Bologna, University of Trento, University of Cagliari, University of Pisa, University of Messina.


The current information is issued pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and in compliance with the legislation on the processing of personal data, as well as on the free movement of such data.

This information refers to the sites that provide the MOOC - Massive Open Online Course online courses of the Edvance project (Digital Education Hub for Advanced Digital Culture - Next Generation EU as part of the PNRR call, Mission 4, Component 1, Investment 3.4 "Teaching and university skills") of the following partners: Politecnico di Milano, Humanitas University, Bocconi University, University of Brescia, University of Macerata, University of Messina, Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, Conservatory of Cagliari, Fondazione Scuole Civiche di Milano; Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Turin, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, University of Bologna, University of Trento, University of Cagliari, University of Pisa, University of Messina.

This privacy policy provides information to those who interact:

  • with the POK website, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:, which provides the online courses of Politecnico di Milano, Humanitas University, Bocconi University, University of Brescia, University of Macerata, University of Messina, Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, Conservatory of Cagliari, Fondazione Scuole Civiche di Milano
  • with the Edvance Politecnico di Torino website, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:
  • with the Edvance University of Cagliari website, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:
  • with the Edvance University of Pisa website, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:
  • with the Edvance University of Turin website, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:
  • with the Edvance Ca' Foscari University of Venice website, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:
  • with the mooc@unitn website of the University of Trento, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:
  • with the UniBO Open Knowledge website of the University of Bologna, accessible electronically and pertaining to the domain:

Joint data controllers

  • Politecnico di Milano - Director General delegated by the Rector pro-tempore – contact:
  • Politecnico di Torino - Rector - contact:
  • Humanitas University - DPO - contact:
  • University of Brescia - Rector, who appointed the Digital Liguria Company DPO/DPO - contact:
  • University of Cagliari - Rector – contact:
  • Bocconi University - DPO - contact:
  • University of Bologna - Rector - contact:
  • University of Macerata - Rector - contact:
  • University of Messina - Magnificent Rector - contact:
  • University of Pisa - Rector pro tempore - contact:
  • University of Turin - Rector pro tempore – contact:
  • University of Trento - Rector - contact:
  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Rector pro tempore - contact:
  • Academy of Fine Arts of Venice - contact:
  • Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna - DPO - contact:
  • Conservatory of Cagliari - contact:
  • Fondazione Scuole Civiche - contact:

The data will be processed by other authorized parties and for this purpose instructed in compliance with current legislation.

Data Protection Officer and Contact Points


Purpose of processing, legal basis, categories of data and storage period.

For the purposes of applying European and national legislation on the subject (EU Reg. 679/2016, hereinafter Regulation), we inform you that your personal data will be used for the following purposes:

Purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended

Legal basis of the processing

Categories of personal data subject to processing

Personal data retention period

Purpose 1

Enrolment and participation in online courses and educational activities.

Public interest (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter e) of the EU Regulation). Consent of the data subject (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the EU Regulation).

  • Identification data

  • Master data

  • Career data

For a period of 3 years from the conclusion of the online course.

Purpose 2

Statistical, storage and archiving purposes.

Public interest (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter e) of the EU Regulation). Consent of the data subject (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the EU Regulation).

  • Identification data

  • Master data

  • Career data

  • Platform Usage Data

For a period of 10 years.

Nature of the data

The provision of data is mandatory. Refusal to provide data will make it impossible to carry out the intended purposes.

Processing methods

The processing for the purposes indicated above is carried out on digital support, manually and/or with electronic or, in any case, automated tools. Access to the data acquired for the aforementioned purposes is granted to duly authorized personnel.

The usage data of the platforms that provide the Edvance MOOCs may be processed by the joint controllers, ensuring adequate security measures, in order to carry out statistical analyses and scientific research activities within the University and as part of the Edvance project.

Categories of recipients

In relation to the purposes indicated, the data may be communicated to the following public and/or private entities, or may be communicated to companies and/or persons, both in Italy and abroad, who provide services, including external ones, on behalf of the Data Controller:

  • personnel authorised to process personal data;
  • European Union;
  • organizations that collaborate with Polimi in order to offer MOOCs, such as organizations that participate in their respective European projects funded by the European Union;
  • partner institutions of the Edvance project;
  • Ministry of University and Research;
  • employers, institutions, or other organizations that support your enrollment in MOOCs for training or other educational purposes (if an organization supports your participation in a course, the platforms that deliver the Edvance Project MOOCs may share with it information necessary to confirm your enrollment, participation, progress, completion status of that course);
  • entities that offer outsourcing services or act as technicians operating on the equipment and programs of the platforms that deliver the MOOCs of the Edvance project;
  • bodies/authorities for issuing public key certificates.

Transfer to a non-EU country or international organizations

Personal data will be processed by the Data Controller within the territory of the European Union.

If, for technical and/or operational reasons, it is necessary to make use of subjects located outside the European Union, or it is necessary to transfer some of the data collected to technical systems and services managed in the cloud and located outside the European Union area, the processing will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of the EU Regulation and authorized on the basis of specific decisions of the European Union.

All necessary precautions will therefore be taken in order to ensure the most total protection of personal data, basing the transfer:

a) on adequacy decisions of the recipient third countries expressed by the European Commission;

b) on adequate guarantees expressed by the third party recipient pursuant to art. 46 of the EU Regulation;

c) on the adoption of binding corporate rules, so-called "Binding Corporate Rules". Corporate binding rules.

Rights of the data subjects

As a data subject, you may at any time ask one of the above-mentioned Co-owners::

  • confirmation of whether or not personal data concerning you exists;
  • access to your personal data and information relating to them;
  • the correction of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete data;
  • the erasure of personal data concerning you (upon the occurrence of one of the conditions indicated in Article 17, paragraph 1 of the Regulation and in compliance with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 3 of the same article);
  • the limitation of the processing of your personal data (in the event of one of the hypotheses indicated in Article 18, paragraph 1 of the Regulation);
  • the transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed.
  • As a data subject, you also have the right to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

These rights can be exercised by contacting the contact point indicated above. If you believe that your rights have been violated by the data controller and/or a third party, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority and/or other competent supervisory authority under the Regulation.

Updated February 21, 2025

Ultime modifiche: mercoledì, 5 marzo 2025, 14:03